I’m sure you have heard of the African proverb, “it takes a village to raise a child.” This wisdom speaks to the importance of community for the development of healthy children. However, community and social support is crucial for health of all ages. Additionally, advocacy coalitions, which are a different type of community, are critical to create power in numbers to drive effective change. To quote Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. from his “Keep on Moving” speech, “there is power in unity, and there is power in numbers.”
In my former role in a large healthcare system, I served an underserved population and worked on a number of equity initiatives. I was also the first Black psychologist this system had ever hired. Needless to say, I encountered a number of challenges. One of the most powerful factors in my longevity and success was my support system of colleagues who shared similar beliefs and values. They were my community and my coalition partners.

Numerous studies have shown the impact of social support on mental and physical health. Conversely, loneliness became so pronounced as an epidemic during the pandemic and beyond that the United States Surgeon General issued a report on the healing effects of social connection and community. Additionally, on page 42, this report specifically name-checks civic engagement, such as voting or participating in advocacy groups, as an important component of social connection.
As adults we have to be intentional about growing and nurturing our social connections. This means putting time with others on your calendar and respecting that time as much as you do other responsibilities. Scan your schedule for social connection, and if nothing is there, create something. Even one hour a week can go a long way. Further, to grow your advocacy or political power, create community with like-minded values and initiatives. You can search for your powerful posse via websites like VolunteerMatch, Meetup, or Idealist, social media, or a general search engine or ChatGPT query. Local community centers, libraries, and faith-based organizations will also have helpful information and staff.
Remember, prioritizing yourself is a revolutionary act, and small steps can have a profound impact. Let’s commit to thriving unapologetically—individually and together. Stay tuned for more tips and inspiration in the months ahead!
In solidarity,
Dr. Amy
This is part of Dr. Amy's Self Care Is Political Warfare series. Read the entire series here!